Apple LiveType 2 User Manual

Page 139

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Appendix B

Creating and Editing EffectScripts


SetOutlineWarp x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4
 x, y pairs are the four Warp points.

ShadBlur n
 n is the shadow blur radius in pixels.

ShadColor r g b
 r, g, and b are the shadow color, in [0..255].

ShadLayer n
 n is 0 for behind all, 1 for behind track, 2 for in front, 3 for in front matted to glyph.

ShadOffset x y
 x and y are the shadow offsets in pixels.

ShadOpacity n
 n is the shadow opacity percentage.

ShadScale x y
 x and y are the shadow scale percentages.

ShadWarp x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4
 x, y pairs are the four Warp points.

Size n
 n is percent modifier for the glyph size. This affects not only the size of the glyph but

also the leading and tracking, which are based on the size. Glyphs are sized about
the glyph center on the baseline.

Slide n
 n is the amount an element slides along its track, in percent of the track’s length.

Tracking n
 n is a % that adjusts the position of the next glyph (for example, use 0 to put the

next glyph on top of this one, 100 to leave it unchanged, or 200 to double it).