Apple LiveType 2 User Manual
Page 154

PAL format 145
PAL video 144
Parameter pop-up menu 97
active parameters 97
of keyframes 94
LED indicators 96
Particles objects 19
pausing previews 110
performance, preview 112–113, 133
PhotoJPEG codec 115
Photoshop format 43, 82, 115
PICS format 43, 82
PICT files 145
PICT format 43, 82, 115, 145
picture aspect ratio 143
pixel aspect ratio 36, 145
pixelated images 131
pixels 36, 132, 145
Planar RGB codec 115
playhead 26
PLS format 43, 82
PNG codec 115
PNG format 44, 82, 115
poster frames 111
postproduction process 146
precedence order of effects 93
Preferences dialog 29
preset effects
See also effects
applying to tracks 88–89
disabling 89
for individual characters or glyphs 106
list of 88
modifying 93–102
order of 93
previewing 89
timing settings 90–92
presets, project 35
previewing items
effects 102
freezing previews 109
Live Wireframe Preview 20
pausing previews 110
preset effects 89
RAM preview 17, 37, 110
titling movies 109–111
Wireframe previews 21, 37, 109, 132, 147
preview movies
described 111
quality of 112
rendering 111
saving 111
preview performance 112–113, 133
Project Properties dialog 34–37, 112
backgrounds. See backgrounds
defaults 33
presets for 35
properties 31, 34–37
quality settings 36
rendering 114–116
rendering in Final Cut Pro 113
saving as templates 32
setting up 31–37
starting 33
timing in. See timing settings
project tabs, Timeline 26
properties, project 31, 34–37, 112
proxy frames 19, 111
quality settings 36
codecs 115, 143
described 146
effects and 102
preview clips and 102
QuickTime image format 44, 82, 115
QuickTime movie format 44, 82, 114
RAID storage 146
RAM 113, 146
RAM preview 17, 37, 110
Random option
for effects 91
for LiveFonts effects 61
removing guides 18
Render Background setting 37
rendering 114–116
backgrounds 37, 45
changing selection 27
described 146
field rendering order 36, 38–39
in Final Cut Pro 113
improving speed of 113
preview movies 111
quality of 112
quality settings 37
settings for 112
time requirements 112
Render Selection markers 27, 113
reordering effects 93
replacing elements in tracks 85