Apple LiveType 2 User Manual
Page 69

Chapter 5
Working With Text
 Opacity: Opacity sets the intensity of the shadow or glow. An opacity setting of 0
makes the shadow or glow completely transparent, that is, invisible, and completely
opaque at 100, with no background showing through. If blur is turned off (set to 0), a
50 percent opaque shadow has sharp edges that match the original element, but
whatever lies behind the shadow shows through it.
 Blur: The blur parameter is similar to the opacity setting, but fades and expands the
outer edges as if the glow or shadow is out of focus. A blur setting of 0 is off, with no
blurring effect. The maximum blur setting is 25. Blur can be applied independently to
the x and y axes. A y-direction blur creates the look of an up and down motion, even
in a static image.
 Scale: Scale stretches or squeezes the glow or shadow on the X and Y axes, with 100
being the same size as the original element. Note that scale parameters are applied
independently to each character of text on a track, not to the entire shadow or glow
as a unit.
 Offset: Offset repositions the shadow or glow relative to the original element. An
offset of 0 indicates no position shift on that axis.
 Color: The Color box lets you select the color of the shadow or glow.
 Warp: The warp area allows you to stretch and reshape the shadow or glow by
dragging the four corner points, or inserting x and y coordinates for each corner. A
simple application of the warp feature is to stretch shadows to represent different
lighting situations.
Text example using glow
options in the Style tab
Text example with an
outline and an enlarged, offset shadow
Text example using the
Extrude style
Solid background color