Apple LiveType 2 User Manual

Page 138

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Appendix B

Creating and Editing EffectScripts

GlowScale x y
 x and y are the glow scale percentages.

GlowWarp x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4
 x, y pairs are the four Warp points.

HideChar n
 n is 0 for Show the glyph in addition to lighting effects (Outline, Shadow, Glow,

Extrude), or 1 to Hide it.

HSL h s l
 h is the hue angle adjustment in degrees; 0 means no change.
 s is the saturation adjustment in percent; 0 means no change.
 l is the lightness adjustment in percent; 0 means no change.

Leading n
 n is a % that adjusts the position of the next line in the track (for example, use 0 to

put the next line on top of this one, 100 to leave it unchanged, or 200 to double it).

Matte n
 n is 0 or 1 for Off or On.

Offset x y
 x and y are the horizontal and vertical offsets, in pixels.

Opacity n
 n is the opacity percentage. This is multiplied by the glyph’s opacity.

Outline n
 n is the pixel width of the outline.

Rotate n
 n is the rotation angle, in clockwise degrees.

Scale x y
 x and y are the horizontal and vertical scale percent multipliers. Scaling is done about

the glyph pivot point.

SetOutlineColor r g b
 r, g, and b are the outline color, in [0..255].

SetOutlineBlur n
 n is a number of pixels.

SetOutlineOnly n
 n is 0 for No or 1 for Yes.