Apple LiveType 2 User Manual

Page 137

background image

Appendix B

Creating and Editing EffectScripts


Blur x [y]
 x is the blur radius in pixels. If y is given, then the horizontal and vertical blur

amounts are distinct.

CanvasOffset x y
 x and y are the horizontal and vertical offsets, in percentage of the Canvas


This is the parameter used for scrolls and crawls.

Color r g b [n]
 r, g, and b are color values, in [0..255].
 n is optional, and is an opacity percentage.

DoExtrude x
 x is 0 for no extrusion, 1 for extrude.

DoGlow n
 n is 0 for No or 1 for Yes.

DoShadow n
 n is 0 for No or 1 for Yes.

ExtrudeDirection n
 n is an angle in degrees, 0 for up, 90 for right, and so on.

ExtrudeLength n
 n is the extrusion length in pixels.

ExtrudeColor r g b
 r, g, and b are the extrusion color, in [0..255].

ExtrudeOutline n
 n is 0 for no outline, 1 to outline the extrusion.

GlowBlur n
 n is the glow blur radius in pixels.

GlowColor r g b
 r, g, and b are the glow color, in [0..255].

GlowLayer n
 n is 0 for behind all, 1 is behind track, 2 is in front, 3 is in front matted to glyph.

GlowOffset x y
 x and y are the glow offsets in pixels.

GlowOpacity n
 n is the glow opacity percentage.