Apple LiveType 2 User Manual
Page 156

curved 121–123
modifying characters on 77–78
text in 57
adding to Canvas 81
animated 8
background 42
creating strings of 84–85
described 8, 146
filling track contents with 76
resizing 83
storing 29
transforming 83–85
unlocking position of 83
working with 81
Textures folder 29
Textures tab 81
TGA codec 115
TGA format 115
third-party applications 114
TIFF codec 115
TIFF format 44, 82, 146
timecode 26, 146
Timeline 26–28
background bar 43
described 13, 26, 146
effects in 27
illustrated 13, 26
moving keyframes in 100
playhead 26
project tabs 26
searching for items with 107
timecode 26
viewing frames in 26
working with tracks in 27, 53–56, 147
Timeline zoom slider 28
timing markers 45
timing settings
controlling 23
effects 90–92
EffectScripts 135–136
LiveFonts 60–61
start time 36
time format 36
in Timing tab 61
Timing tab 23, 61, 90–92
Tinted Rotate EffectScript 141
title safe area 15, 146
title safe guidelines 15
titling movies
See also movies
creation workflow 9
previewing 109–111
rendering 114–116
titling process 7, 8
tracking options for text 63
adding 52
applying preset effects to 88–89
attributes 95, 133
control points 49–51
creating strings of elements on 84–85
curved 50–51, 121–123
delaying appearance 54
deleting 52
described 15, 47, 147
disabled 28, 55, 113
duplicating 52
duplicating effects in 93
duration 54, 144
empty 52
endpoints 15
entering text onto 58
filling with images 75
filling with movies 75
filling with texture 76
grouping 27, 56
groups of effects in 92
illustrated 48
isolating in Canvas 19
layers 55
linking endpoints 51
locking position 27
moving 48, 54
numbering 27
rendering previews 113
reordering 55
replacing elements in 85
resizing 48
selecting 62
shape of 48
sloping 48
text. See text tracks
timing 23, 53–54
turning on/off 28
ungrouping 56
working with in Canvas 15, 147
working with in Timeline 147, 53–56
transforming items
imported elements 83–85
text 65–67
backgrounds 41
rendering and 45
text 65
transparent backgrounds 73–74
transport controls 16
troubleshooting 131–134
common problems 131–133
disabling fonts 78
distorted field rendering 38
LiveFonts in large text sizes 63