Apple LiveType 2 User Manual

Page 63

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Chapter 5

Working With Text


 Alignment: With the alignment options, text can be set to run horizontally as well as

vertically on a track. The Left, Center, and Right Alignment buttons apply to both text
orientations. The position of the track itself is not affected by alignment settings. The
alignment options are also important to position text appropriately when the track is
used with an effect that uses the Slide parameter.

For example, if you want to slide text onto the screen from left to right, create a track
that begins to the left of the Canvas. The text should be left-aligned, so that it starts
from the left end of the track, off the Canvas. Then apply the Slide Right effect from
the Motion Path category.

 Size: Text size is adjusted by dragging the slider, clicking within the slider track, or

entering a value in the box to the right of the slider.

Note: Because LiveFonts are raster images made up of pixels, their edges will start to
degrade at very large sizes, usually 500 point and larger. System fonts are vector-
based, and therefore retain their integrity at any size.

 Tracking: Character spacing is adjusted with the tracking setting. The value for

normal character spacing is 100 percent. A setting of 110 percent adds a modest
amount of space between letters. When tracking is set to 0 percent, all characters
overlay each other.

 Leading: Leading sets the amount of space between the baseline of one line of text

and the next. This setting only applies to tracks with more than one line of text, not
to the spacing between different tracks. The default leading value is 100 percent. At
0 percent, all lines of text on a track overlay each other.