Horner APG XL4 OCS User Manual
Page 26

CH.5 MAN0964-01-EN
June 29, 2012
Page 26 of 122
The 485 serial ports allow internal RS-485 bias resistors to be switched in, pulling pin 1 up to 3.3V and
pulling pin 2 down to ground. The Set Serial Ports item in the System Menu can be used to enable RS-
485 biasing. Also, an application graphics screen that writes to %SR164 can do the same thing. Setting
%SR164.1 enables MJ1 biasing and setting %SR164.2 enables MJ2 biasing.
If biasing is used, it should be enabled in only one of the devices attached to the RS-485 network.
Cscape Programming via Serial Port
The XL4 OCS MJ1 serial port supports CsCAN Programming Protocol. If a PC COM port is connected to
the XL4 OCS MJ1 serial port, Cscape can access the XL4 OCS for programming and monitoring.
Programming can also be done via the CAN port, USB port or Ethernet.
Ladder-Controlled Serial Communication
Using Serial Communication function blocks, both MJ1 and MJ2 support Generic, Modbus Master and
Modbus Slave Protocols. In addition, external modems can be connected and accessed using Init, Dial
and Answer Modem function blocks.
Downloadable Serial Communication Protocols
Both MJ1 and MJ2 also support downloadable protocols, such as Allen Bradley DF1, CsCAN Master, GE
Fanuc SNP and Modbus Master.
Note: Refer download section of our website for the list of latest supported protocols.