HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
HP Storage

HP XP P9000 for Business Continuity
Manager Software User Guide
This manual describes how to use the following program products: HP XP P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Software
Basic and HP XP P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Continuous Access Journal 4x4 Extended CTG Software. In this
manual, these products are collectively referred to as Business Continuity Manager
HP Part Number: T5253-96081
Published: July 2013
Edition: Sixteenth
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP XP P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Software User Guide
- Contents
- 1 Overview of HP XP P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Software
- Why use Business Continuity Manager?
- Communication with HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software
- Products that can be controlled by Business Continuity Manager
- Remote volume operations
- Grouping to simplify volume operations
- Data center configurations
- 2DC configuration
- 3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- 3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- Delta Resync configuration
- 2DC configuration with HyperSwap and Continuous Access Journal Z
- 4x4 configuration
- 4x4x4 Cascade configuration
- 4x4x4 Multi-Target configuration
- Compatible FlashCopy linkage configuration
- Functions supporting automatic operation (BCM Monitor)
- Business Continuity Manager functions
- Functionalities dependent on the storage system
- Storage system identification
- Setting up Business Continuity Manager
- 2 Business Continuity Manager with replication products
- Storage system settings and copy group definitions
- Replication products and data center configurations
- Sample replication product combinations
- Understanding copy group operations
- 3 Understanding Business Continuity Manager functions
- The Remote DKC Control function
- Functions that support disaster recovery
- The operational testing function
- Functions that support copy group definitions and operations
- The Specified Time Suspend function
- Functions that acquire volume information
- The Logical Path Control function
- Functions that monitor events and errors
- 4 Preparing to use Business Continuity Manager
- Preparation overview
- Specifying the Business Continuity Manager Log output destination
- Setting up Storage Systems
- Settings in the Set Defaults panel
- Creating configuration files
- Acquiring volume information (preparations)
- Creating a logical path
- Defining a journal group with path group IDs
- Setting up the Remote DKC Control Function environment
- General procedure for setting up a Remote DKC Control Function environment
- Prerequisite conditions for using the Remote DKC Control Function
- Configuring routes and command device lines
- Defining the route list
- Registering a command device
- Deleting command devices
- Creating an inter-control unit logical path dedicated to the command device
- Configuration definition for using the Continuous Access Synchronous Consistency Preservation function
- Environment definition for using the Reverse Resync function
- Configuring an environment so that Non Gen'ed volumes can be used
- 5 Configuration definitions
- Defining a 2DC configuration
- Defining a 3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- Defining a 3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- Configuration example (3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration)
- Preparing hardware (3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration)
- Preparing the configuration files (3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration)
- Definition procedure (3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration)
- Defining a 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- A 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration example
- Preparing the hardware (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration)
- Preparing the Configuration Files (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) Configuration)
- Definition Procedure (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) Configuration)
- Performing a Scan (3DC Multi-Target Configuration)
- Settings for Operations at the Primary Site (3DC Multi-Target Configuration)
- Settings for Operations at the Local Site (3DC Multi-Target Configuration)
- Settings for Operations at the Remote Site (3DC Multi-Target Configuration)
- Creating a Copy Group (3DC Multi-Target Configuration)
- Defining a 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration example
- Preparing the hardware (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration)
- Preparing the configuration files (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration)
- Definition procedure (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration)
- Defining a Delta Resync Configuration
- Defining a 2DC configuration with HyperSwap and Cnt-Ac J Z
- Defining a 4x4 configuration
- A 4x4 configuration example
- Preparing the hardware (4x4 configuration)
- Preparing the Configuration Files (4x4 Configuration)
- Definition procedure (4x4 configuration)
- Defining a new 4x4 configuration
- Expanding to a 4x4 configuration by adding storage systems to a 2DC configuration
- Changing to a 4x4 Configuration Without Changing the Existing Storage System Configuration
- Adding a new journal group to a 4x4 configuration
- Adding an Existing Journal Group to a 4x4 Configuration
- Checking the Registration Status of EXCTG (4x4 Configuration)
- Deleting a journal group from a copy group container with EXCTG ID specified (4x4 configuration)
- Defining a 4x4x4 Cascade Configuration
- Configuration example (4x4x4 Cascade)
- Preparing Hardware (4x4x4 Cascade)
- Preparing the Configuration Files (4x4x4 Cascade)
- Definition procedure (4x4x4 Cascade)
- Defining a new 4x4x4 Cascade configuration
- Expanding to a 4x4x4 Cascade Configuration by Adding a Continuous Access Journal Z Copy Group to a Continuous Access Synchronous Z Copy Group
- Expanding to a 4x4x4 Cascade Configuration by Adding a Series of Storage Systems to a 3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) Configuration
- Checking the registration status of the EXCTG
- Defining a configuration so that the Cnt Ac-J Z ATTIME Suspend function can be used
- Defining a configuration so that the Open/MF Consistency Preservation function can be used
- 6 Importing copy groups
- Generating a copy group definition file by using CSV files
- Importing definitions for monitoring PPRC copy pairs
- Importing SMS storage group definitions
- 7 Using Business Continuity Manager
- Before using copy pairs
- Preparing to Use the Remote DKC Control Function
- When Executing Copy Group Operation Commands
- Batch Processing for Multiple Copy Pairs
- Copy Pair Operations Common to All Copy Types
- Copy Pair Operations for BC Z and TCA
- Copy Pair Operations for BC Z
- Copy Pair Operations for Cnt Ac-S Z
- Copy Pair Operations for Cnt Ac-J Z
- Messages Output from Business Continuity Manager
- Using configuration files
- Working with scripts
- Operating a copy group
- Backup operations using the Cnt Ac-J Z ATTIME Suspend function
- Monitoring status and changing configurations in a 3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- Using Compatible FlashCopy linkage configurations
- Monitoring PPRC copy pairs
- Using an Open/MF consistency group
- Before using copy pairs
- 8 Maintenance and troubleshooting operations
- Using a 2DC Configuration
- Using a 3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) Configuration
- Using a 3DC Cascade (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- Performing primary site storage system maintenance
- Performing intermediate site storage system maintenance
- Performing remote site storage system maintenance
- Performing primary site host maintenance
- Operating procedure during a primary site storage system failure (volatile)
- Operating procedure during a primary site storage system failure (nonvolatile)
- Operating procedure during an intermediate site storage system failure (volatile)
- Operating procedure during an intermediate site storage system failure (nonvolatile)
- Operating procedure during a remote site storage system failure (volatile)
- Operating procedure during a remote site storage system failure (nonvolatile)
- Operating procedure during a primary site host failure
- Operating procedure during a path failure between the storage systems at the primary site and the intermediate site
- Operating procedure during a path failure between the storage systems at the intermediate site and the remote site
- Using a 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-J Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- Performing primary site storage system maintenance
- Performing storage system maintenance for remote site 1 or 2
- Performing primary site host maintenance
- Operating procedure during a primary site storage system failure (volatile)
- Operating procedure during a primary site storage system failure (nonvolatile)
- Operating procedure during a storage system failure (volatile) at the primary site and remote site 1
- Operating procedure during a storage system failure (nonvolatile) at the primary site and remote site 1
- Operating procedure during a storage system failure (volatile) at remote site 1 or 2
- Operating procedure during a storage system failure (nonvolatile) at remote site 1 or 2
- Primary site host failure (when operations can be performed on both Continuous Access Journal Z copy pairs)
- Primary site host failure (when operations can be performed on only one of the Continuous Access Journal Z copy pairs)
- Operating procedure during a path failure between the storage systems at the primary site and remote site 1, or at the primary site and remote site 2
- Using a Delta Resync Configuration
- Performing Primary Site Storage System Maintenance
- Performing Local Site Storage System Maintenance
- Performing Remote Site Storage System Maintenance
- Performing Primary Site Host Maintenance
- Operating Procedure During a Primary Site Storage System Failure (Volatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Primary Site Storage System Failure (Nonvolatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Local Site Storage System Failure (Volatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Local Site Storage System Failure (Nonvolatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Remote Site Storage System Failure (Volatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Remote Site Storage System Failure (Nonvolatile)
- Primary Site Host Failure
- Operating Procedure During a Path Failure Between the Primary Site Storage System and the Local Site Storage System
- Actions to be Taken When the Delta Resync Function Cannot be Set Up or Operated Successfully
- Using a 2DC configuration with HyperSwap and Continuous Access Journal Z
- Operation Startup Procedure
- Performing Primary Storage System Maintenance
- Performing Primary Host Maintenance
- Performing Local Storage System Maintenance
- Performing Remote Storage System Maintenance
- Operating Procedure During a Primary Storage System Failure (Volatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Primary Storage System Failure (Nonvolatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Primary Host Failure
- Operating Procedure During a Path Failure Between the Primary Storage System and the Local Storage System
- Operating Procedure During a Local Storage System Failure (Volatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Local Storage System Failure (Nonvolatile)
- Operating Procedure During Remote Storage System Failure (Volatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Remote Storage System Failure (Nonvolatile)
- Using a 4x4x4 Cascade Configuration
- Performing Primary Site Storage System Maintenance
- Performing Intermediate Site Storage System Maintenance
- Performing Remote Site Storage System Maintenance
- Performing Primary Site Host Maintenance
- Operating Procedure During a Primary Site Storage System Failure (Volatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Primary Site Storage System Failure (Nonvolatile)
- Operating Procedure During an Intermediate Site Storage System Failure (Volatile)
- Operating Procedure During an Intermediate Site Storage System Failure (Nonvolatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Remote Site Storage System Failure (Volatile)
- Operating Procedure During a Remote Site Storage System Failure (Nonvolatile)
- Operating procedure during a primary site host failure
- Operating Procedure During a Path Failure between the Primary Site Storage System and the Intermediate Site Storage System
- 9 Using the ISPF panels
- Acquiring volume information
- Creating a path set
- Establishing a logical path
- Defining a route list
- Defining a route list for a 2DC configuration
- Defining a route list for a 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration
- Defining a route list ID
- Defining the primary site storage system (primary→local)
- Defining the local site storage system (primary→local)
- Defining the primary site storage system (primary→remote)
- Defining the remote site storage system (primary→remote)
- Defining the command device line (primary→local)
- Defining the command device line (primary→remote)
- Defining multiple command device lines
- Registering a command device in a storage system
- Remote Scan procedure
- Defining a copy group
- Defining the copy group ID and copy group attributes (Continuous Access Journal Z)
- Defining the copy group ID and copy group attributes (Business Copy Z)
- Defining the copy group ID and copy group attributes (Continuous Access Synchronous Z)
- Defining the copy group ID and copy group attributes (TrueCopy Asynchronous for Mainframe)
- Defining a copy group container
- Defining the copy group ID and copy group attributes
- Adding a consistency group
- Changing a copy group that is not a copy group container to one that is (adding a consistency group)
- Changing a copy group that is a container to one that is not (deleting a consistency group)
- Defining an EXCTG
- Saving settings
- Defining an Open/MF consistency group
- Operating copy groups
- 10 Automatic operation using BCM Monitor
- 11 Linkage with Replication Manager
- What can be achieved when Business Continuity Manager is linked to Replication Manager?
- Configuring a Business Continuity Manager agent
- Starting and stopping Business Continuity Manager agents
- Displaying or changing the log output level
- Notes on updating configuration files
- Working around site errors and host failures
- Error types and error information handling
- 12 Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Failures
- Error Notification
- Performance Monitor
- Trace Output Method
- Collecting Logs
- HyperSwap Completion Detection
- Recovering from a Failure
- Recovering a Command Device After an LDEV Blockage
- Recovering a Command Device After a Power Outage
- Recovering a Log Dataset After Logs are Full
- Performing Operations When a Failure Occurs for a Volume in a Copy Group
- Recovering from a Cnt Ac-J Z Failure
- What To Do When an Error Occurs While Creating a Configuration File
- What To Do When an Error Occurs in the Copy Group Definition File Generation Function Using CSV Files
- 13 Support and other resources
- 14 Documentation feedback
- A About configurations for which the same command device is shared from multiple hosts
- B Initializing volumes for command devices for the XP1024/XP128 Disk Array
- C Conventions in syntax explanations
- Glossary
- Index