In-Situ TROLL 9500 Operators Manual User Manual

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TROLL 9500 Operator’s Manual

0095110 rev. 007 01/09

Pressure rating, sensors, 51, 65

Pressure sensor

about, 46–47

absolute vs. gauged, 47

factory calibration, 46

field recalibration, 47

non-vented vs. vented, 47

recalibration, 53

zeroing, 47

Pressure setup, 48–50

summary, 50

Product specifications, 10–11

Profiling, 31–34

changing channels displayed, 32, 33, 34

changing measurement units, 34

changing sample rate, 27, 34

depth or level, 32

dissolved oxygen, 32

exiting the Profiler, 34

graphing data, 32

logging data, 34

retrieving data, 34

starting software in Profiler mode, 27, 34

starting the Profiler, 31

turbidity, 32, 128

PSIA, 47

PSIG, 47

Pumping tests, 46


Quick Cal, 17–20, 28, 61

sensors that cannot use, 20

with RDO sensor installed, 17, 96


RDO sensor.


Dissolved oxygen sensor,

optical (RDO)

Real-time readings.



Refresh button, 24, 25

Removing sensors, 60

Repair service, 3

Resistivity, 77

Restrictor, 6

RMA, 3

RuggedReader, 9, 14


Salinity, 77

and RDO sensor, 36, 89

Scheduled start mode, 37

SDI-12, 130–134

adapter, 130

commands, 131, 133

enable/disable, 26, 130

out-of-range readings, 132

wiring, 130


o-rings, 141

sensor o-rings, 60

Sensors, 58

ammonium, 104

barometric pressure, 56

chloride, 110

conductivity, 72

dissolved oxygen, optical (RDO), 89

installing, 13

nitrate, 115

o-rings, 60

pH, 66

pH/ORP, 97

pressure, 46

removing, 60

replacement, 65

serial number, 2, 65

specifications, 10

storage, 63

temperature, 54

turbidity, 122

Serial number, 2

Settings options, 27

Show Calibration Report button, 64

Slug tests, 46

Snapshot button (Profiler), 34

Software, 9.

See also

Win-Situ, Pocket-Situ

Software upgrade, 3

Specifications, 10–11

Specific conductance, 76

Specific gravity, 49

Stirrer, 62, 65


and polarographic D.O. measurement, 86–88

during calibration, 62

Surface mode, 48


Technical support, 3


about, 54

and calibration, 55, 62

units, 55

Temperature sensor, 54

Test name, 36

Tests, 35

adding to device, 21, 35

cancelling, 41

cloning, 41

deleting, 30, 41

event, 36, 37

extracting, 40

linear, 36, 37

linear average, 37, 38

manual start mode, 37

measurement interval, 37

measurement schedules, 36

printing, 45

saving as text files, 45

scheduled start mode, 37

setting up, 35

starting, 40

status symbols in Navigation tree, 39

stopping, 37, 40

viewing, 30, 43

Test setup, 35

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