In-Situ TROLL 9500 Operators Manual User Manual

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0095110 rev. 007 01/09

TROLL 9500 Operator’s Manual

Cation: Positively charged ion (e.g., NH



, Na



Cell constant: A value that describes a conductivity cell which is deter-

mined by electrode area and electrode separation.

Chloride (Cl

): Common anion in water that gives it a salty taste.

Chlorophyll: Green pigment in plants that transforms light energy into

chemical energy during photosynthesis.

Clone: Copy all elements of a selected test definition to a new test.

Combination electrode: A combination of a sensing or measurement

electrode and a reference electrode in one unit.

COM port: RS232 serial communication port on a PC.

Communication cable: see TROLL Com

Conductivity, electrical: A measure of the ability of an aqueous solution

to carry an electric current. Increases with increasing temperature.

Connection node: Node in the Win-Situ or Pocket-Situ Navigation

tree, representing the COM port on the host PC.

Data folder: Node in the Win-Situ or Pocket-Situ Navigation tree,

providing a view of tests that have been extracted from the device
memory to the host PC. The Data Folder can be expanded to show
the device type, device serial number, and test name.

Data point: In logged data, one reading from every channel being


Density: Mass of a substance per unit volume (e.g., grams per liter,

g/L; grams per cubic centimeter, g/cm



Depth: The distance between the water surface and the pressure sen-

sor of the MP TROLL 9500. Converted from pressure units using
values selected by the user during pressure parameter setup.

Derived measurement: Value calculated in software from the output

of more than one sensor; e.g., salinity is derived from conductivity
and temperature.

Device node: Node in the Win-Situ or Pocket-Situ Navigation tree,

representing the connected MP TROLL 9500.

Digital DO: Proprietary method of powering the dissolved oxygen sen-

sor; digital pulsing eliminates the need to stir the sample to avoid
oxygen depletion.

Dissolved oxygen (DO): The amount of oxygen present in water and

available for respiration.

DO: Dissolved Oxygen.

Downhole cable, see RuggedCable

Drift: Gradual change in sensor response with time.

DSP: Digital signal processor.

Electrode: An electric conductor through which an electric current

enters or leaves a medium (such as an electrolyte).

Electrolyte: A chemical compound which when dissolved in water will

conduct an electric current; sensor filling solution.

Event test, Event sampling: Test measurement schedule in which the

selected parameters are measured at the same regular, unvarying
linear interval, but the data are logged only if the measurements
on the designated event channel exceed a user-specified value.
Conserves storage memory while logging all meaningful data.

Extended sensor set: Ammonium, chloride, nitrate, turbidity, and opti-

cal dissolved oxygen sensors; compare Basic sensor set.

Extract: Copy test data from the MP TROLL 9500 memory to a host

PC. Initiated by the Extract button when a test is selected in the
Navigation tree.

Firmware: Software program that resides in the memory of the MP

TROLL 9500; firmware can be field-upgraded.

Flow cell: Clear vessel with input and output ports for routing flow past

the sensors of the MP TROLL 9500; alternative to in-situ installa-
tion of the instrument where in-place installation is not possible or

Flow-Sense Wizard: Low-flow application in Win-Situ software for

monitoring water-quality indicator parameters in a flow cell during
low-flow pumping.

FNU: Formazin Turbidity Units; compare NTU

FS: Full scale.

Gauged pressure sensor: Pressure sensor that is vented to the

atmosphere; measures only pressure exerted by the water column,
excludes the atmospheric pressure component. Compare Absolute
pressure sensor; see also Vented cable.

HDPE: High-density polyethylene.

HIF: U.S. Geological Survey’s Hydrological Instrumentation Facility.

Home site: Default site node (top node) in the Win-Situ or Pocket-Situ

Navigation tree, representing the host computer.


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