16 chloride – In-Situ TROLL 9500 Operators Manual User Manual
Page 115
Water Quality TROLL
TROLL 9500 Operator’s Manual
0095110 rev. 007 01/09
Chloride (Cl
) is a highly soluble ion in water and can potentially be
present in high concentrations. Chloride enters the water supply when
runoff from rain or irrigation dissolves a variety of chloride-containing
salts in rock and soil. Freshwater sources, streams, lakes, and un-
derground aquifers typically have less than 10 ppm Cl
. Some waters
with as little as 250 ppm Cl
will taste salty to sensitive individuals,
especially if the sodium cation (Na
) is also present. Wastewater from
sewage or industrial facilities will normally contain higher amounts of
chloride. Chloride is naturally present in higher concentrations near
coastal areas where it can infiltrate canals and sewers.
Chloride ions are not toxic to humans. However, a high chloride
content may harm some structures, especially those made of metal.
Chloride can increase the rate of corrosion on metals in the presence
of water. Vegetation is also sensitive to the amount of chloride in the
soil. Agriculturally productive soils can be turned into unproductive
wastelands over a period of time by irrigating with water containing
high amounts of chloride. The WHO (World Health Organization) has
established 100 ppm Cl
as a maximum for water used for irrigation,
while 250 ppm Cl
is the maximum for drinking water.
The In-Situ sensor is an ion-selective electrode (ISE) that is selective
for the chloride ion (Cl
). It is a double-junction combination ISE with a
silver/silver-chloride reference half-cell, solid-state sensing electrode,
and reference electrolyte gel. It measures the concentration in parts
per million of chloride ion in solution (ppm Cl
To insure the chloride sensor is thoroughly hydrated, soak it in distilled
water for about 15 minutes before installation. The sensor kit includes
an empty bottle for this purpose. Unlike the ammonium and nitrate
sensors, the solid-state chloride sensor does not require soaking in a
solution of specific concentration.
Unpack the chloride sensor, hydrate it as described above, and install
in port 1, 2, or 3 in the sensor block at the front end of the MP TROLL
9500 as follows.
TIP: Remember that a polarographic D.O. sensor (if present)
will operate properly only in port 2, and a turbidity wiper
accessory only in port 3 .
1. Remove the restrictor from the front end of the MP TROLL 9500.
This allows access to the sensor block depicted in the drawing
Fresh water
< 10 ppm Cl
Sea water
20,000 ppm Cl
Irrigation water standard (WHO) 100 ppm Cl
Drinking water standard (WHO)
250 ppm Cl
Typical Chloride values
(or plug)
Chloride sensor may be installed
in port 1, 2, or 3
alignment mark