In-Situ Win-Situ Mobile/Win-Situ 5 Quick Start Guide User Manual
Win-situ, 5 quick start guide
0055650 rev. 007 02/12
5 Quick Start Guide
Use Win-Situ 5 with a laptop or a PC and the Aqua
, Level TROLL
and Rugged TROLL
Instruments. To learn more about Win-Situ 5, refer to
the Help menu. Training videos are available on the
Inc. websit
Install Win-Situ 5
Insert the software CD that came with your product or
download Win-Situ 5 from the In-Situ website at
prompts of the Installation Wizard to complete
IMPORTANT: Install COM drivers when
Connect an In-Situ Instrument to the
1. Laptop or PC
2. TROLL Com
3. RuggedCable
4. In-Situ
Selecting the Correct COM Port
When you open Win-Situ 5, you are asked if you
want to establish a connection to your instrument. If
you are using a USB TROLL Com, select the correct
COM port by following the steps below. If you are
using a serial TROLL Com, the Win-Situ Software
should default to the correct COM port, which is
usually COM 1.
Computers Using Windows
a. Minimize the Win-Situ Software.
b. Click the Windows Start button, and open the
Control Panel.
c. Click Hardware and Sound, and open the
Device Manager.
d. Click the arrow next to Ports (COM and LPT),
and locate the USB Serial Port listing. The
number listed next to this entry is your COM
port address.
Computers Using Windows
a. Minimize the Win-Situ Software.
b. Click the Windows Start button, and open the
Control Panel.
c. Double-click the system icon. Click the
Hardware tab, and open the Device Manager.
d. Click the plus sign next to Ports (COM and
LPT), and locate the USB Serial Port listing.
The number listed next to this entry is your
COM port address.
Once you have determined the correct Com port
address, reopen Win-Situ 5 and click on Preferences.
Click on Comm Settings, and then click the Port
Number menu. Scroll down to find the correct Com
port address. Click the Check mark button to accept
the changes. Click on the yellow Connect button in
the lower right corner to establish a connection to the
Set up a Data Site
1. Click the Site button.
2. Select either Default Site or click the New
button to set up a custom site.
3. Enter a Site name. Entering coordinates and
uploading a picture are optional.
4. Click the check mark to save the data site.
Set up a Data Log
1. Click the Logging tab.
2. Click the New button.
3. Select your site, and name the new log.
4. Select the parameters you intend to monitor.
You can rearrange their order and select
different units.
5. Select a logging method appropriate for your
6. Configure the logging method.
7. Select a start condition.
NOTE: When an instrument is deployed on
a wire, rather than a cable, you will not be
able to communicate with it after
installation. Select a Scheduled start if you
are deploying an instrument on a wire.
8. Select a level reference type.
9. Configure the level reference.
IMPORTANT: Your instrument MUST be
installed in its final location to set the level
reference correctly. If you are setting up a
data log before installing your instrument in
its final location, you will need to select
either “Set First Logged Reading To” or
“Remind Me to Set Reference Later.”
Select “Set First Logged Reading To” if you
are using a scheduled start, or “Remind Me
to Set Reference Later” if you are using a
manual start and are NOT deploying the
instrument on a wire.
10. Enter a specific gravity value for the
11. The software displays a summary. Review
your selections carefully before clicking the
check mark.
12. Start the log. A Scheduled Start log will start
automatically at its programmed time. To start
a Manual log, go to the Logging tab, highlight
the log name, and tap the Start button.
Real-Time Data Readings
To see real-time data readings, click the Play button
on the Home screen. The parameter readings will
turn black and update periodically. Click the Play
button again to stop reading in real time.
IMPORTANT: You cannot create a new log if
you have real time readings enabled.
Document Outline
- Win-Situ® 5 Quick Start Guide
- Install Win-Situ 5
- Connect an In-Situ Instrument to the Computer
- Selecting the Correct COM Port
- Set up a Data Site
- Set up a Data Log
- Real-Time Data Readings
- Connect an In-Situ Instrument to the RuggedReader Serial Port
- Connect to the Software
- Set up a Data Site
- Set up a Data Log
- View or Download the Log
- Stop a Log
- Drop the Connection and Exit Win-Situ Mobile Software