In-Situ TROLL 9500 Operators Manual User Manual
Page 155

0095110 rev. 007 01/09
TROLL 9500 Operator’s Manual
dimeter. Comparable to previously reported Formazin Turbidity Unit
(FTU), and Jackson Turbidity Unit (JTU).
Optode: optical electrode.
ORP, see Oxidation-reduction potential
Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), also called “redox” potential
(from “reducing” and “oxidizing”): Voltage difference at an inert
electrode immersed in a reversible oxidation-reduction system;
measurement of the state of oxidation of the system.
Parameter node: Node in the Win-Situ or Pocket-Situ Navigation
tree, representing a single parameter (pressure, temperature, pH,
conductivity, etc.).
Parameters node: Node in the Win-Situ or Pocket-Situ Navigation
tree, providing a view of all parameters the device can measure.
Partial pressure: In a mixture of gases, the pressure a single gas
would exerted if it occupied the entire volume.
Pascal: Unit of pressure equal to the pressure resulting from a force of
1 newton acting uniformly over an area of 1 square meter.
PC: Desktop or laptop computer.
PDA (Personal Data Assistant): Generic term for a hand-held personal
pH: Term used to describe the hydrogen-ion activity of a system; the
negative logarithm of the activity of the hydrogen ions (H
) in the
Pocket PC: A type of PDA with an ARM processor and Pocket PC
(Windows Mobile) operating system.
Pocket-Situ: Win-Situ 4 software for supported PDAs.
PocketSync for Pocket-Situ: Synchronization utility that runs on a
desktop/laptop PC; automatically installs or updates Pocket-Situ on
a connected PDA; synchronizes data and other files between the
PDA and the PC where Win-Situ is installed
Polarization: Application of a direct or alternating current to a sensor.
Potassium chloride (KCl): A salt used to make conductivity calibration
ppm: Part-per-million; equivalent to a milligram per liter (mg/L).
Precision: The closeness of agreement between independent test
results obtained under stipulated conditions. A measure of the
reproducibility of a method.
Pressure: A type of stress which is exerted uniformly in all directions.
Its measure is the force exerted per unit area; e.g., pounds per
square inch (psi), newtons per square meter (pascals).
Pressure transducer: Instrument or component that detects a fluid
pressure and produces an electrical signal related to the pressure.
Professional: MP TROLL 9500 model containing memory; able to log
data; accommodates the Basic sensor set.
Professional XP: MP TROLL 9500 model with all features of the
Professional model and in addition allows use of the Extended
sensor set.
Profiler: MP TROLL 9500 model without memory; must be used with a
PC or PDA; accommodates the Basic sensor set.
Profiler XP: MP TROLL 9500 model with features of the Profiler and in
addition allows use of the Extended sensor set.
Profiling: Taking continuous real-time readings of all enabled param-
PRT: Platinum resistance thermometer, a type of resistance tempera-
ture detector (RTD).
psia: A pressure unit, pounds per square inch absolute, measured with
respect to zero pressure. All forces detected by the strain gauge
are measured, including atmospheric pressure.
psig: A pressure unit, pounds per square inch gauge, measured with
respect to atmospheric pressure. Thus the atmospheric pressure
component is excluded.
PSU: Practical Salinity Units, based on the Practical Salinity Scale.
Pulsing: Periodic low-frequency polarization of a dissolved oxygen
Pump test, Pumping test: Aquifer characterization test that involves
pumping out a known volume of fluid from a well and measuring
the time of recovery to stable conditions.
Quick Cal: Rapid calibration procedure available for the MP TROLL
9500 Basic sensors that uses a single solution.
Quick Cal solution: A calibration standard of an appropriate chemical
composition to calibrate four parameters simultaneously (pH, ORP,
Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity).
Quinhydrone: Dark green water-soluble compound, a 1:1 complex
of benzoquinone and hydroquinone used as an ORP calibration
standard when dissolved in pH buffer solution.