In-Situ TROLL 9500 Operators Manual User Manual
Page 154

0095110 rev. 007 01/09
TROLL 9500 Operator’s Manual
Host PC: Desktop computer running Win-Situ, or PDA running Pocket-
Situ, connected to the MP TROLL 9500 via TROLL Com or other
communication interface.
Interference: The presence of a species in a sample other than the
species being measured that causes erroneous values.
Ionic strength: A measure of the total effect of all the ions, both posi-
tive and negative, present in a solution.
ISA (Ionic Strength Adjustor): Solution of high ionic strength which can
be added to both sample and calibration solutions in equal propor-
tions before measurement to minimize differences in ionic strength.
ISE (Ion-Selective Electrode): An electrode which responds selectively
to the ions of a particular species in solution.
Isopotential point: The ion concentration at which changes in tempera-
ture do not cause a change in ISE sensor response (voltage).
Isothermal: At constant temperature.
Kcell, see Cell constant
KCl: Potassium chloride.
LED: Light-emitting diode, used in turbidity and Optical DO sensors.
Level reference: User-specified starting point for level readings;
entered during pressure parameter setup.
Level—Surface: A mode for displaying logged pressure measure-
ments; readings are positive up; useful for measuring surface
water; permits use of zero or other user reference.
Level—Top of Casing: A mode for displaying logged pressure mea-
surements; readings are positive down, as the water level draws
down from the top of the well casing; permits entry of zero or other
user reference.
Limnology: The science of the life and conditions for life in lakes,
ponds, and streams.
Linear average: Test measurement schedule in which each measure-
ment stored to the data file is the average of multiple closely-
spaced measurements.
Linear test, Linear sampling: Test measurement schedule in which the
selected parameters are measured at the same regular, unvarying
sample interval and all measurements are logged.
Log test, Log sampling: Test measurement schedule in which mea-
surements begin closely spaced and the interval between mea-
surements continuously increases. Short for Logarithmic sampling.
LSZH: Low smoke zero halide
μM, μmol/L: micro Molar, unit of dissolved oxygen concentration; to
convert to mg/L, divide by 31.25.
mg/L: Milligram per liter; equivalent to one part per million (ppm).
miniTROLL: In-Situ’s 0.72” diameter downhole pressure/temperature
smart probe.
Molarity (M): A unit of measure indicating concentration in moles of
solute per liter of solution.
Multi-ISE: An ion-selective electrode that measures more than one
: Sodium nitrate.
: Sodium sulfite.
Navigation tree: Left side of the Win-Situ application interface, or top
of the screen in Pocket-Situ, showing selectable nodes: Site, Data
Folder, Connection, Device, Parameters, Tests.
Nernst equation: The fundamental equation that relates the electrode
potential to the activity of measured ions in a solution.
Cl: Ammonium chloride.
N.I.S.T.: National Institute of Standards and Technology, a non-regu-
latory federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Formerly known as the National Bureau of Standards.
Nitrate (NO
): Oxidized form of nitrogen that is highly soluble in water,
present in soils, fertilizer, wastewater, etc.
Node: Element in the Navigation tree on the left side of the Win-Situ
interface, or at the top of the screen in Pocket-Situ. When a node
is selected, the remainder of the screen displays details about the
node. Nodes include the Site, Data Folder, Connection, Device,
Parameters (group node), single Parameter, Tests (group node),
single Test.
Non-vented pressure sensor, see Absolute pressure sensor
Nose cone: Detachable threaded protective stainless steel piece at
the front end of the MP TROLL 9500.
Nose cone stirrer, see Stirrer
NTU: Nephelometric turbidity unit, a measure of the intensity of light
scattered by a water sample. From nephelometer, a type of turbi-