Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger User Manual User Manual
Page 53

Getting Started
"Note: Selected occupy point has no elevation. All points
computed with this point will have no elevation
computed for them."
An elevation adjustment on a traverse containing any 2D points is
not possible. If an attempt is made to do so, the following message is
"Traverse contains a 2D point. Cannot adjust
Point Stake
When performing point stake using a 2D point, no cut/fill information
is provided. This is the case when either the occupy point or the
stake point is 2D. Cut/fill information is only provided when both the
occupy point and stake point have elevations.
Offset Stake
Offset stakeout functions similar to point stake, although cut/fill
information can be generated when using a 2D alignment and 3D
occupy point when a design elevation for the stake point is provided.
The following message is displayed in this situation:
"A 2D alignment has been selected; no cut/fill
information will be computed unless a design elevation
is entered."
Slope Stake
Slope staking is not possible when using 2D points since elevations
are required.
Control Points
Control points can be all 2D, all 3D, or a mixture of both. The same
limitations for working with 2D non-control points will apply when
working with 2D control points.