Import, Coordinate systems, Import job (control) – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger User Manual User Manual
Page 236: Import ascii file
User’s Manual – GPS Mode
prompted to rectify the plane and geodetic coordinate before
You can use File > Import or File > Import Control to add point, line,
and coordinate system values from a number of input file types. This
section describes importing geodetic coordinates and coordinate
systems into the job file.
Import Job (Control)
You can use the Import or Import Control screens and set the Type to
Job Files
to add points to your job from another job file. Points from
the imported job will be copied into your current job file. The
imported job file can also be used to set the coordinate system of the
current job file:
• If the imported job has a coordinate system set and your current
job does not, you will be prompted if you want to set the
coordinate system from the imported job file.
• If the imported job and the current job have different coordinate
systems set, then you will be prompted that they are different;
you can cancel the import or import the points but keep the
current job projection.
Import ASCII File
You can use the Import screen and set the Type to Text Files to add
points to your job from an ASCII text file. The ASCII Import Wizard
allows you to import Plane, Geodetic (DMS), and Geodetic (decimal)
coordinates. When you import Geodetic (DMS) and Geodetic (decimal)
coordinates Survey Pro will use the following rules to set the plane
• If you have a valid coordinate system solved Survey Pro will
calculate the plane location for each geodetic point imported.
Survey Pro will set the northing, easting, and elevation for any
points that could be transformed without error.
• If you do not yet have a valid coordinate system solved, Survey
Pro will set the plane location to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). You would then