Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger User Manual User Manual

Page 295

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GPS Module


• Tap Set New Base>, and enter Chap as the Base Point.

• Tap SET to set the base and configure the base position in

Survey Pro. Tap Set Rover> to set the rover.

• The coordinate system is already solved, so you are ready to

collect data. The Data Collection screen opens.

11. Check points and add more GPS control points.

• Tap Control to open the Control Points screen. Select point 52

and tap Check. The results should be perfect.

12. Move the base to a point in the coordinate file not measured with

• Tap close to close the Data Collection screen, and open Start

GPS Survey again. Tap Set New Base>

• Choose Point 1 as the Base Point. Tap Next> and you are

prompted to compute the geodetic coordinates from the plane
coordinates using the current coordinate system. Tap OK.

Note: This action is equivalent to the TDS “Move Base” routine in the
DOS software.

• The geodetic coordinates for point 1 are computed. Tap SET

to set the base and configure base position in Survey Pro.

• Tap Set Rover> to finish equipment setup. Because the

coordinate system is already solved, the Data Collection

screen opens and you are ready to collect more points.

13. Check points. Tap Control to open the Control Points screen.

Select point CHAP and tap Check. The results should be perfect.

14. Collect more data
You are now ready to add more points to the job.