Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger User Manual User Manual

Page 230

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User’s Manual – GPS Mode


8. Tap Next to select the datum. The screen that opens will depend

on the datum type you specified on the first screen.

9. If you selected Pick from Data Base, pick the database Datum from

the list. If you selected either Custom Molodensky or Custom

, then select an ellipse for the new datum. You can select

Ellipse from Data Base

to use an ellipsoid record from the

database, or you can select Key In Ellipse to input parameters for
a custom ellipse.

10. Tap Next to open the next screen. If you are using a database

datum, the next screen displays the parameters for the new map
projection zone and you can Store the record.

11. If you are using a custom datum, enter the datum translations

from WGS84 to Local.

Note: Note the sign of the datum shift and rotation parameters.

Survey Pro requires you enter the datum transformation parameters
in the direction of WGS84 to Local. If your datum parameters are

given as local datum to WGS84, you will need to invert the conversion
parameters before entering into Survey Pro.

12. Tap Next. If you are using a Custom Molodensky datum, the next

screen will be the final screen where you can Store the record.

13. If you are using a Custom Similarity datum, enter the rotation

from WGS84 to the local datum. Also enter the scale, in parts per

million from WGS84 to the local datum.

14. Tap Next to open the final screen where you can review the

parameters for the new map projection zone and where you can

Store the record to save it in the coordinate system database file.