Repetition settings – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger Reference Manual User Manual

Page 61

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Job Menu


Repetition Settings

Job Settings



The Repetition Settings card contains the settings that control how

repetition shots are performed and acceptable tolerances.

Horizontal Tolerance: a warning message will

be displayed if a horizontal angle exceeds the
tolerance entered here during a repetition shot.
Zenith Tolerance: a warning message will be
displayed if a vertical angle exceeds the

tolerance entered here during a repetition shot.
Distance Tolerance: a warning message will
be displayed if a distance exceeds the tolerance

entered here during a repetition shot.

; Shoot Distance To Backsight

: When

checked, a distance will be measured to each

shot to the backsight. When unchecked, only the angles are


; Do Not Shoot Reverse Distances

: When checked, distances are

not measured during reverse shots.

; Enable Automatic Repetition

: When checked, all remaining shots

after the first shot to the backsight and foresight will occur
automatically when using a motorized instrument.
Shooting Sequence: specifies the order that the shots are taken
from the following options:

• BS > FS ^ FS > BS: Backsight, Foresight, flop Foresight


• BS > FS ^> BS > FS: Backsight, Foresight, flop Backsight,


• BS ^ BS > FS ^ FS: Backsight, flop Backsight, Foresight, flop


• FS ^ FS > BS ^ BS: Foresight, flop Foresight, Backsight, flop
