Sat info – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger Reference Manual User Manual
Page 184
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Note: If the receiver setup has not yet been performed, the elevation
mask will not be displayed. Also, if you have changed the elevation
mask setting, and have not yet reconfigured this receiver, the value
you see on this display will be the value from the settings, and not the
value the receiver is currently using.
Sat Info
The Sat Info card displays signal quality information for the satellites
used by the receiver, and allows you to disable tracking specific
satellites, which is useful if the receiver is tracking a ‘noisy’ satellite.
SNR Plot : This card lists all the satellites
that are in view and shows a bar graph that
indicates the signal-to-noise ratio. A longer
bar indicates more noise, and a lower-quality
: is the universal identifier number of the
satellite that you wish to disable or re-enable.
For GPS satellites, this will be the Pseudo
Random Noise (PRN) number and will be
between 1 and 37. For GLONASS satellites,
this will be the Frequency Channel Number
(FCN) + 45, and will be between 45 and 70.
Enable ALL : enable all the satellites that were disabled.
Disable SV : disables the USI entered above. This satellite will then
no longer be used in any solution until it is re-enabled.
Enable SV : re-enables the USI entered above.
SV List
: This card lists signal quality information for each satellite
being used, which is reported by the receiver. The columns available
depend on the receiver being used. Consult your receiver’s
documentation for more information.