Store offset points, Store offset points – screen two, Adjustment – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger Reference Manual User Manual

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


Store Offset Points

Stakeout Store Offset Points


The Store Offset Points screen is used to store points in the current

job at a specified offset from an existing polyline or alignment at a

specified interval.

Tap Line… : allows you to tap an existing

polyline or alignment that the station and
offset will be computed from.

To/From… : Opens the Point List screen (Page

R-443) where a point list can be created.
Begin Station: is the station assigned to the
beginning of the line.

Next > : takes you to the next Store Offset

Points screen where the slope staking
parameters are set up.

Store Offset Points – Screen Two

The second Store Offset Points screen is used

to define the road profile, or offset distances
that will be used to compute the offset point

1/2 Road Width: is the Left and Right width
of the road, respectively, from the centerline to
the edge of payment.
X-Slope (%): is the Left and Right slope of the
road, respectively, from the centerline to the

edge of payment calculated from



