Stake line and offset, Stake line and offset – screen two, File management – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger Reference Manual User Manual

Page 311

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Stakeout Menu


Stake Line and Offset

Stakeout Line and Offset


The Stake Line and Offset screen is used to stake stations on a line,
or at an offset to it, at fixed intervals.

: opens the Stakeout Settings screen (Page R-47).

Start Point: defines the first point of the line to

be staked.

End Point / Direction : defines the second

point of the line, or the direction of the line to

be staked, respectively.
Begin Station: defines the station associated

with the Start Point.

Backsight… : opens the Backsight Setup screen

(Page R-118).

Next> : opens Screen Two.

Stake Line and Offset – Screen Two

Station to Stake: is the desired station that you want to stake.

Station Interval: is the value that is added to

the Station to Stake after the

Next Station button is pressed.

Next Station : advances the Station to Stake by

the Station Interval.
: defines the offset distance and if the

offset occurs to the right of the line, when R is
selected, or left, when L is selected. The right
or left side is referenced while viewing the line

from the Start Point.