Point slope staking – screen two – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger Reference Manual User Manual

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


Point Slope Staking – Screen Two

The second screen is used to perform the actual point slope staking

Rod Elev: is the current elevation at the rod
Des. Slope: is the design cut or fill slope.
Obs. Slope: is the computed (observed) cut or
fill slope based on the last shot and the

corresponding hinge point.
HD to HP: is the horizontal distance from the
rod to the hinge point.
Cut to HP / Fill to HP: is the cut or fill

required to bring the current rod location level with the hinge point.
To Slope Offset: is the perpendicular offset between the rod location

and the horizontal line from the hinge point to the catch point.
Direction (CW or CCW): is the horizontal angle (clockwise or

counterclockwise, respectively) that the rod must turn around the
hinge point for it to be over the line from the hinge point to the catch

Below DS / Above DS: is the vertical distance that the rod is located
below or above the design slope. If the Automatic Slope option is
selected, this will be the distance to the nearest slope, otherwise it

will be the distance to the selected (cut or fill) slope.
Toward HP / Away HP: is the estimated horizontal distance the rod
must move toward or away from the hinge point before it is over the

catch point.

Note: The computed horizontal distance is based on the observed

terrain computed from the last two shots. If only one shot has been
taken, this value will be blank.