Stake dtm – screen two – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger Reference Manual User Manual

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


Stake DTM – Screen Two

Stakeout Stake DTM Next >


The second Stake DTM screen displays all

relevant information for the current rod
position and a graphic that shows the reference

DTM surface and its corners. Once a shot is

taken, the rod location and the occupied TIN
triangle are displayed.
Data: shows the angle and distance
information from the previous shot.

: shows the current northing, easting, and elevation of the

rod as well as the computed elevation of the reference DTM at
the current location and the cut or fill necessary to bring the

elevation at the current location to the elevation of the reference
DTM at the current location.

Note: If the DTM and Cut or Fill fields are blank after taking a shot, it
indicates the rod is outside the reference DTM boundary.

Centerline: shows the current station and offset information for the
rod location relative to the centerline selected from the previous

screen. The type of line segment in the polyline or alignment at the

current station is also displayed. (This card is only available if the

With Centerline checkbox was checked in the first Stake DTM


Note: Tapping anywhere within the map view will open a larger map
view with zoom controls.

Point: is the point name that will be assigned to the next stored stake
