Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger Reference Manual User Manual
Page 474
Reference Manual
choose base setup ........ 238
choose one point setup 236
choose projection mode 236
connect to receiver....... 239
rover setup................... 242
start GPS survey wizardR-178
station and offset ........ R-314
road .......................... R-424
station equation .... 95, R-427
station offset................ R-363
stereographic projection 204,
store offset pointsR-316, R-344
straight grade.............. R-394
sun shot ............... 127, R-157
super elevations .......... R-412
surface scan......... 166, R-143
Survey menu ............... R-171
surveying in azimuths...... 71
surveying settings......... R-45
tangent offset ...... 151, R-385
tape offset .................... R-309
tape out/in ......................... 70
templates..................... R-400
add / edit .................. R-409
TGO ................................. 229
three points on a curveR-379
time format.......................... 6
time/date settings R-54, R-55
TIN......................... 97, R-319
Topcon settings ........... R-104
transfer.......................... R-31
translate .............. 159, R-431
by coordinates.............. 160
by distance................... 160
Transverse Mercator
projection ............. 203, 204
traverse / sideshot....... R-124
remote mode ............ R-129
traverse adjustment ... R-434
traverse base................R-254
traverse now or later ...R-126
traverse on curve .........R-388
traverse on spiral.........R-397
traverse shot ..................... 62
triangle solutions.........R-366
TTC.................................. 229
turn to...........................R-163
tutorial jobs..................... 279
existing job .................. 281
mapping plane............. 288
one point localization.. 280
reuse localization ........ 286
two peg test ..................R-268
units settings .................R-41
VAL...........................48, R-70
vertical angle offset124, R-136
vertical curve ....... R-390, See
parabolic curve
vertical curve layout....R-392
vertical datums............... 198
international ............... 198
NAVD88....................... 199
NGVD29 ...................... 198
video card .....................R-165
video display options ...R-166
video scan.....................R-147
settings .....................R-150
video settings ...............R-167
view DTM.......................R-80
view raw data.................R-79
VRS.................................. 299
WGS84(1996.0) ............... 195
where is next point R-330, R-
widenings .....................R-410