Leveling side shot – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Ranger Reference Manual User Manual

Page 272

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


Leveling Side Shot

Leveling Level

Sideshot >


The Leveling Sideshot screen is used to describe a leveling side shot

before taking the necessary shots to record it.
SS Point: is the name for the new point.
Desc: is an optional description for the new
Default Location for New Points: is where

you specify the northing and easting to use
when the new point is stored since the leveling

procedure cannot compute these.
Backsight Point: Lists the details for the
current backsight. If this is the first

observation from the current set up, most of
the details will be unknown.

Next > : opens the Take Shot screen (Page R-262) where the

required shots are performed.