D2-9, Important – Yokogawa YFGW410 User Manual
Page 61

IM 01W02D01-01EN
Launching Monitor
In the Field Wireless Management Console launch window, click the [Monitor] button to go to the
Login window, then enter a User Name and Password. After you have successfully logged in,
the following window is displayed. For the types of user authority and operable functions for each
type, see “Logging in” for details.
Figure D2-4 Monitor launch window
When Monitor starts, information managed by YFGW410 is automatically refreshed every
If YFGW410 is unable to acquire the information when the window is updated due to causes
such as a communication error, the following error is displayed in a dialog: “Communication Er-
ror: Failed to send or receive data”. In such case, check the following items:
• The RDY LED on YFGW410 is green.
• YFGW410 is connected to the PC.
• The IP address of the PC is permitted in access control. For information on access control,
see Sub-section D3.2.1 YFGW410 Settings.
The operations of this window onwards are described in Chapter D4. Starting up the Field Wire-
less System, alongside the engineering details.
Closing Monitor
To close Monitor, click the [x] button in the top right corner of the window, as shown in Figure D2-
4. You can also close Monitor by clicking the [File] menu in the top left of the window and select-
ing [Exit], as shown in Figure D2-4. For details, see Sub-section D4.2.8 Functions Called from the
Menu Bar.