D3-67 – Yokogawa YFGW410 User Manual
Page 128

IM 01W02D01-01EN
the command bar.
After the check is complete, the results are displayed in Figure D3-66. If there are no errors or
warnings in results, click the [OK] button. The error check window closes and Figure D3-67 ap-
If there are items that require correction, click the [OK] button. The error check window closes
and returns to main window. Correct all the relevant items. Next, either perform the error check
mentioned later or perform the download procedure again.
Figure D3-67 Download Configuration Window
In the download configuration window, devices that require a restart after downloading due to
new or changed settings have their check box selected. Check boxes can be cleared by clicking
them. To add models that are restarted manually, select the check box of the relevant devices.
Devices positioned below checked items have their check boxes selected automatically.
When the [Start Download] button is clicked, the dialog shown in Figure D3-68 appears. When
the [Cancel] button is clicked, nothing is downloaded and the dialog is closed.
Figure D3-68 Start Download Warning Dialog