D1-2, N(2): construction of the field wireless system – Yokogawa YFGW410 User Manual
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IM 01W02D01-01EN
(1): Provisioning and Setting of the Field Wireless Device
Provisioning is configuration of the required information into a field wireless device in order to
integrate it with the field wireless network. This task is necessary in order to prevent third par-
ties from making improper connections to the field wireless network through methods such as
tampering or spoofing. Devices on which provisioning has not been carried out or onto which the
incorrect information is configured cannot be integrated with the field wireless network.
As shown in Figure D1-1, the following tasks are necessary before installing a field wireless
• Provisioning
Using FieldMate, the information that the field wireless device requires in order to be inte-
grated with the field wireless network is configured via infrared data communication. This
task must be executed before the device is installed. Using the Provisioning Device tool on
FieldMate, provisioning is executed for the field wireless device via infrared data communi-
• Setting and Adjustment of parameters
In the case of field wireless devices manufactured by Yokogawa Electric Corporation, the
person in charge of devices can make settings and adjust the parameters via infrared data
communication before installing the device, by using FieldMate. This task can also be per-
formed via a field wireless network after the device is installed.
When performing these tasks before installing the device, use FieldMate R2.03.00 or later ver-
sions. For a field wireless system, use applicable version of FieldMate and Device Files checked
by the website (http://www.field-wireless.com/) For details, see Part I ISA100.11a Device Con-
figuration in the FieldMate User’s Manual (IM 01R01A01-01E).
(2): Construction of the Field Wireless System
This task comprises the construction of a field wireless network by the wireless system engineer
(including the start-up engineer) based on the detailed design information of the field wireless
network by setting the YFGW410, the YFGW510 Field Wireless Access Point, and the field wire-
less device.
The task includes constructing the network for the Field Wireless System, downloading informa-
tion to the YFGW410, setting the YFGW510, verifying the startup and running status of the field
wireless network, and, if necessary, correcting the network configuration, and setting and adjust-
ing the parameters of the field wireless device via the field wireless network. The task of network
construction includes enabling or disabling redundancy in the YFGW410, registering and setting
the functions of the field wireless device, setting up the communication paths, and defining proc-
ess data in the Modbus registers.
For the detailed procedures, see Sub-section D3.2.8 “Setting Modbus” in this document.
The tasks of downloading information to the YFGW410 and verifying the startup and running sta-
tus of the field wireless network are assumed to be performed by the wireless system engineer
(including the start-up engineer) after the device has been delivered to the user’s plant site and
The task of setting and adjusting the device parameters is supposed to be performed by the
person in charge of the devices.