Warning caution – Lincoln Electric IM10178 POWER FEED 84 U.I. CONTROL BOX User Manual

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Thank You for selecTing

a QualiTY producT bY

lincoln elec Tric.

Please examine Carton and equiPment For

damage immediately
When this equipment is shipped, title passes to the purchaser upon
receipt by the carrier. Consequently, Claims for material damaged in
shipment must be made by the purchaser against the transportation
company at the time the shipment is received.

saFety dePends on you
Lincoln arc welding and cutting equipment is designed and built with
safety in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by
proper installation ... and thoughtful operation on your part.
CONTAINED THROUGHOUT. And, most importantly, think before you
act and be careful.

This statement appears where the information must be followed
exactly to avoid serious personal injury or loss of life.

This statement appears where the information must be followed to
avoid minor personal injury or damage to this equipment.

KeeP your head out oF the Fumes.
get too close to the arc. Use
corrective lenses if necessary to
stay a reasonable distance away
from the arc.
read and obey the Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS) and the warning
label that appears on all containers
of welding materials.
use enough VenTilaTion or
exhaust at the arc, or both, to keep
the fumes and gases from your breathing zone and the general area.
in a large rooM or ouTdoors, natural ventilation may be
adequate if you keep your head out of the fumes (See below).
use naTural drafTs or fans to keep the fumes away from your

If you de velop unusual symptoms, see your supervisor. Perhaps the
welding atmosphere and ventilation system should be checked.

wear CorreCt eye, ear & body ProteCtion

proTecT your eyes and face with welding helmet
properly fitted and with proper grade of filter plate
(See ANSI Z49.1).
proTecT your body from welding spatter and arc
flash with protective clothing including woolen
clothing, flame-proof apron and gloves, leather
leggings, and high boots.
proTecT others from splatter, flash, and glare with
protective screens or barriers.
in soMe areas, protection from noise may be

be sure protective equipment is in good condition.

also, wear safety glasses in work area

at all times.

sPeCial situations

do noT Weld or cuT containers or materials which previously had
been in contact with hazardous substances unless they are properly
cleaned. This is extremely dangerous.
do noT Weld or cuT painted or plated parts unless special
precautions with ventilation have been taken. They can release highly
toxic fumes or gases.

additional precautionary measures

proTecT compressed gas cylinders from excessive heat, mechanical
shocks, and arcs; fasten cylinders so they cannot fall.
be sure cylinders are never grounded or part of an electrical circuit.
reMoVe all potential fire hazards from welding area.
alWaYs haVe fire fighTing eQuipMenT readY for

iMMediaTe use and knoW hoW To use iT.



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