Micromod MOD: 30ML Functions Data Base Reference User Manual

Page 98

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MOD 30ML Functions


• Click on the option Create a new Workspace. This will create a new workspace for us. Click

on OK.

• The configurator will redisplay with a new workspace and a project as shown below:

Figure 3. 6. Class Workspace

• The left frame shows the project tree. The Workspace is at the root of this tree and contains

the Project, and other components such as Event Log and Components.

• The newly created workspace is given the same name as that of the project. The project sub-

tree or branch contains the components Security and Tags.


With what we have above, we have only created an environment to configure instrument
database and display files. Next we will create an instrument database. We will hereafter call
it the instrument document.

• Click on the New Document button on the tool bar or Select File-New form the menu bar to

display the New dialog box again as shown below:
