Micromod MOD: 30ML Functions Data Base Reference User Manual

Page 23

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MOD 30ML Functions


Display Script Editing
Use the internal editor or an external file for the default and user display scripts. When
external files are used, the database is no longer contained in a single file. If you wish to copy
the database (e.g. to floppy disk), you must be sure to copy all external files.

Figure 2-7. Display Script Editing using Text Editor

Use external file:
If the box is checked, the contents of the external file will be used (a file name must be
entered and must be a valid DOS file name). The current workspace subdirectory will be
searched for this file. The current directory is the directory in which a database was most
recently saved or loaded, or if no save or load has taken place, the directory from which this
configurator was started. Because the current directory is searched, only the file name and
extension need to be entered. It will be considered an error if no file name or an invalid file
name is entered.

A display block can have zero or up to 255 states, each with a user defined name, except the
state named "DEFAULTS". The defaults state, if defined, contains event scripts that are used
whenever an event script is not explicitly defined for the current display state.
