Micromod MOD: 30ML Functions Data Base Reference User Manual

Page 68

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MOD 30ML Functions


Bar display format
This field defines the alarm bar display format. Valid entries are as follows:

Bar is not displayed.


Bar displays alarm input with an intensified segment indicating the trip point. An
example of the bar format is shown in Figure 2-23.


Bar displays alarm input as a deviation from a zero deviation point that is
indicated by an intensified segment at midscale. A second intensified segment
identifies the alarm trip point. If the trip condition is DEVIATION, a third
intensified segment identifies the second alarm trip point.

An example of the deviation format is shown in Figure 2-23. Note that the deviation format
allows the scale to be expanded by configuring range limits that correspond to user defined
deviation limits rather than the full input range. When the bar is scaled for deviation limits of
±10°F as shown in Figure 2-23, each bar segment represents 0.4% of full range compared to
2% per segment for a full range display.

Setting the trip condition to DEVIATION allows full use of the bar so that a HIRANGE of 25.0
will indicate the TOP of the bar graph and the bottom of the bar graph will be –25.0.

Figure 2-23. Examples of Bar Displays for Alarms
