Caution – GF Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter Controller User Manual

Page 8

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Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter

4.3 Output Module, optional; install zero (0) or one (1)

Mfr. Part No.



Two passive 4 to 20 mA outputs


Two active 4 to 20 mA outputs

Optional analog Outputs 1 & 2 are obtained via the I/O Module, but are not
required to be installed in order to use the optional analog output modules
listed immediately above.

The analog outputs obtained via these separate modules will always be
identifi ed as Outputs 3 & 4 in the 8900 menus. The slot on the rear panel is
labeled accordingly.

It is perfectly acceptable to mix and match analog output types between those
contained on the I/O Module and those obtained via these separate modules.

Any and all analog outputs are freely assignable to any channel.

All analog outputs available from the 8900 are isolated.

Passive outputs throttle current in loops powered by a supply external to the

Active outputs throttle current in loops powered by the 8900; no external
power source is required.

4.4 Relay Module, optional; install zero (0), one (1) or two (2)
Mfr. Part No.



Two dry-contact relays


Two solid-state relays


RC Filter Kit

Up to two sets of two relays may be installed directly into the 8900. The modules are
completely independent of one another, so it is not necessary for Relays 1 & 2 to be
installed in order to use Relays 3 & 4.

However, in accordance with the labeling on the rear panel, relays installed directly
into the 8900 via these plug-in modules will always be identifi ed in the 8900 menus as
Relays 1 & 2 and 3 & 4, respectively.

The red LED relay status indicators on the front panel of the 8900 are hardwired to
Relays 1 & 2. If the slot for Relays 1 & 2 is vacant, the red LEDs will be inoperative.
Status of all relays is available at all times in a single screen in View mode.

It is perfectly acceptable to mix and match the relay types installed directly in the 8900,
as well as between internal and external modules.

Any and all relays are freely assignable to any channel. Hysteresis
and time delay are adjustable for each relay.

Dry-contact relays are electromechanical switches with a moving
contact armature. They are suitable for many general-purpose
applications, AC or DC, including AC loads up to 250 V.

Solid-state relays are electronic switches with no moving parts. They
may be used with AC or DC loads, but have lower current handling
capability and voltage ratings than Dry-contact relays. Solid-state
relays will outlast Dry-contact relays in pulsing applications.

Switching active loads (most commonly inductive) can cause contact
arcing suffi cient to damage both types of relays. The RC Filter Kit or
"snubber" is available as an accessory to reduce or eliminate these
damaging effects.


50−60Hz, 24VA MAX


12−24 VDC
0.7 A MAX.





Power Connection

DO NOT attempt to connect both

AC and DC at the same time







Solid State Relays


50 mA 30V

Mechanical Relays


5A 250 VAC

5A 30 VDC





