GF Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter Controller User Manual

Page 22

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Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter

pH Channel
The default pH display shows the primary pH measurement on line 1 and the secondary
temperature measurement on line 2.

Flow Channel
The default Flow display shows the full name of the measurement type on line 1 and the
measurement value on line 2.

Conductivity Channel
The default Conductivity display shows the primary Conductivity measurement on line 1 and the
secondary temperature measurement on line 2.

Level Channel
The default Level display shows the primary Level measurement on line 1 and the
secondary Volume measurement on line 2.

Temperature Channel
The default Temperature display shows the full name of the measurement type on line 1 and the
measurement value on line 2.

Pressure Channel
The default Pressure display shows the full name of the measurement type on line 1 and the
measurement value on line 2.

ORP Channel
The default ORP display shows the full name of the measurement type on line 1 and the
measurement value on line 2.

8.4 Automatic Display Confi gurations

A new display will be automatically confi gured for each channel (only where one of the six confi gurable displays has both lines set
to "None".)

Conductivity, Level and pH channels are allotted two-line displays to view both primary and secondary measurements. All other
channel types are assigned a single-line display.

Standard displays for each channel type are illustrated below.

Manual override option: Confi gurable VIEW displays can be modifi ed with the "Screen--Line--" functions in System Setup menu.

Other (4-20) Channel
The default Other (4-20) display shows "Label" on line 1 and the measurement value on line 2.
NOTE: The channel label (Label), abbreviation (Ch) and unit of measure (Unit) settings must be
customized for this type of channel. See section 9.8 "Channel Type Other (4-20)"

8.2 Automatic Sensor Recognition:
• Digital



L) sensors are detected at every power up, and placed on a list that identifi es each by type and serial number.

When new digital (S


L) sensors are detected, the 8900 displays "Found New S


L Devices" , then "Loading...Please wait".

When completed, the display shows how many sensors are connected, and whether a Relay Module is detected.

Manual override option:

The "Load S


L Devices" function in the System Setup menu can be used to manually initiate the search

for new sensors and to verify that all sensors are detected on the digital (S


L) bus.

8.3 Automatic Channel


After a channel type is assigned (section 8.1), the 8900 compares the sensor identifi cation list with each channel type and assigns a
sensor to each channel, following a specifi c heirarchy:
1. All Channels: Native sensors (sensors of the same measurement type as the channel type) will be assigned fi rst.

If multiple sensors of the same type are listed, the lowest serial number will be assigned fi rst.

Frequency inputs are considered the native type for fl ow channels.

2. All Channels: 4 to 20 mA sensors (from 8058 Signal Converter) will be assigned only if no native sensors are listed.

If no compatible sensors are listed for a channel, or if all compatible sensors are already assigned, then no automatic channel
assignment will be made.

3. Flow Channels: Digital (S


L) type fl ow sensor will be assigned only if no frequency input is detected.

Level Channels: If no level sensors are listed, a pressure sensor will be assigned to the level channel.

Manual override option: Use the "Channel ID" function to reassign sensors.

The Channel ID menu will only list sensors that match the channel type being assigned.

Removing a sensor from the wiring bus does NOT erase a channel assignment. The display will show "CHK SENSOR" for that
channel until a sensor is manually reassigned.

pH1 8.6 pH

T1 29.7



F2 123.45 GPM

C3 17.54


T3 24.3



P4 35.9 psi


T5 29.7


L4 12.58 ft

V4 987.65 ft3


ORP6 128 mV


Ch1 12.34 Unit

6 Sensor(s) and
1 Ext Relay(s)