GF Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter Controller User Manual
Page 36

Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter
13. Calibration
Volumetric calibration
Select VOLUMETRIC CALIBRATION if the fl ow rate can be
determined by fi lling a vessel of known volume. The 8900 will
count the number of pulses generated as the known volume of
fl uid passes through the sensor, and then use the information to
calculate a K-Factor.
Select to perform volumetric
Press ENTER to start the
volumetric calibration period. The
8900 starts counting pulses from
the fl ow sensor.
Press ENTER to stop the
volumetric calibration period. The
8900 stops counting pulses from
the fl ow sensor.
Enter the volume of fl uid known to
have fl owed past the sensor during
the volumetric calibration period.
This will modify the existing Flow
The calculated K-Factor is less
than 0.0001 or greater than 99999.
Returns to Enter Volume.
Successful volumetric calibration.
Press ENTER to accept the new
K-Factor or press UP-DOWN keys
simultaneously to escape without
saving and return to Enter Volume.
F1 Cal Method:
Volume >
Rate-based calibration
Select RATE CALIBRATION to match the dynamic fl ow rate to
an external reference. Entering a rate will modify the existing
Indicates that the fl ow sensor is not
generating any pulses, or pulses
are not detected by the 8900.
Returns to Volumetric Cal.
13.1 Calibration: If Channel type = Flow
The calculated K-Factor is less
than 0.0001 or greater than
Returns to Rate Cal >.
Error: K-Factor
Out Of Range
New K-Factor:
Enter Volume:
0000.0 GPM
to Stop Cal
to Start Cal
Error: No Flow
F1 Cal Method:
Rate >
Select to perform rate calibration.
F1 Rate Cal:
Press RT ARROW to start the rate
F1 Rate Cal:
0.0000 GPM
Use the keypad to set the fl ow
rate in the fl ashing display to
match the reference meter. Press
ENTER when completed.
Error: K-Factor
Out Of Range