Relay 1 source: flow f1, Relay 1 hys: 5.0 gpm – GF Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter Controller User Manual

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Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter

11.1 Relay Setup Menu

Relay 1 Source:

Flow F1 >

Select measurement type or derived function to be assigned to this relay:

Level, Volume, Temperature, Pressure, Flow, pH, ORP, Difference, Ratio,

Conductivity, None, Sum, Reject, Passage, Recovery A, Recovery B, Recovery C,

Power 2, Power 4, Multiple.

Select the mode of operation for this relay:

Off, Low, High, Window, Prop Pulse, PWM, Volumetric Pulse, USP, Advanced.

If relay mode is Low or High: Enter the relay setpoint.

If relay mode is Prop Pulse, PWM or Window: Enter the low-end setpoint.

If relay mode is Prop Pulse, PWM or Window: Enter the high-end setpoint.

If relay mode is PWM, set the pulse period.

Minimum 0.1 s, maximum 1000 s (16.7 minutes)

Relay 1 Rng: max

+45.000 GPM >

Relay 1 Mode:

Low >

Relay 1 SetPnt:

10.0 GPM >

Relay 1 Rng: min

+25.000 GPM >

Relay 1 Period:

5.0 secs >

Relay 1 Delay:

1.0 sec >

Relay 1 maxRate:

120 pls/min >

Relay 1 Volume:

100.00 Gallons >

Relay 1 P.Width:

0.1 secs >

Relay 1 Logic:



Test Relay 1:


If relay mode is High, Low, Window or USP: Enter hysteresis.

If relay mode is High, Low, Window or USP: Enter the trigger time delay. The relay will

activate only if the process value exceeds the setpoint for this period of time.

Minimum 0.1 s, maximum 6400 s (106.67 minutes)

If relay mode is Pulse: Set the maximum pulse rate. (1 to 400 pulses per minute.)

If relay mode is Vol Pulse (Flow): Set the volume represented by one pulse.

If Relay mode is pulse: Set the duration of the relay pulse.

Minimum 0.1 s, maximum 999.9 s (16.66 minutes)

For solid state relays only:

N.C. = Normally Closed

N.O. = Normally Open

Manually toggle relay to test operation.

Relay 1 Hys:

5.0 GPM >