GF Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter Controller User Manual

Page 38

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Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter

13.4 Calibration: If Channel type = Conductivity

Set Conductivity

C1: >

If C~ Cal at Instrument is selected, reset Conductivity and Temperature to factory calibration.

C1 Cal at:

Sensor >

Reset C1 to

Factory Cal: >

Set Temperature




Select to perform calibration at the sensor via 2850 EasyCal.

INSTRUMENT: Select to perform calibration at the 8900 via the steps below.

If Cal at Instrument is selected, the following menu items appear:

Place sensor in any conductivity test solution. Allow suffi cient time for sensor output to

stabilize, then enter value.

Adjust the temperature measurement from the conductivity sensor to match a reliable

reference. Maximum offset allowed is ± 20 °C

Select YES to set reading to zero at ambient atmospheric pressure.

Maximum offset allowed is ± 2.75 psi.

Set Zero

P2: >

Adjust the pressure to match a reliable reference.

Must be ≥ 3 psi above zero point.

Maximum offset allowed is ± 2.75 psi.

Reset the pressure calibration to factory setting.

Set Temperature

T2: >

13.5 Calibration: If Channel type = Pressure

Adjust the temperature to match a reliable reference.

Maximum offset allowed is ± 20 °C.

Reset Temperature to factory calibration.

13.6 Calibration: If Channel type = Temperature

Set Pressure

P2: >

Reset P2 to

Factory Cal: >

Reset T2 to

Factory Cal: >

Set Level

L1: >

Reset L1 to

Factory Cal: >

Enter the level value (in inches) based on an external measurement.

Reset level calibration to factory setting.

13.7 Calibration: If Channel type = Level