Color measurement strip chart, Color measurement, Strip chart – Ocean Optics SpectraSuite User Manual

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4: File Menu Functions

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Color Measurement

With SpectraSuite, you can calculate and report the Color Rendering Index (CRI) and Correlated Color
Temperature (CCT) for your samples. SpectraSuite will compute all color measurements except RGB.
You can only perform color measurements on one spectrometer at a time.

 Emissive color measurements – Require a spectrometer, which has been calibrated to

take irradiance readings (either relative or absolute). SpectraSuite gives you the option of
choosing to measure either emissive or reflective color from either absolute or relative

 Reflective color measurements – Do not require an irradiance calibration, but they do

require a reference spectrum. This reference scan is taken with the same optical
configuration, except a perfect reflector is placed at the same location as the samples.

Strip Chart

SpectraSuite allows you to use Strip Charts to track processes, perform kinetic analyses, and monitor
spectral events all as a function of time. The Strip Chart shows you how the value that you selected
appears over time. This value can be any of the following:

 One pixel (a single wavelength)

 The average of a range of pixels

 An integral calculated by one of three methods representing the area beneath the graph’s trend line

You can acquire this data using any processing mode (transmission, absorbance, etc.).


1. Place SpectraSuite in Scope mode by clicking the Scope (

) icon in the Experiment mode

toolbar or selecting Processing | Processing Mode | Scope from the menu.

2. Store a reference spectra and dark spectra.

3. Choose the measurement mode (absorbance, transmission, etc.).

4. Click the Strip Chart button (



Select File | New | Strip Chart from the menu. The Chart Trend Settings dialog box opens.