Yamaha TG500 User Manual
Page 213

(Note shift)
Range: -63 … +63
Individually shifts the pitch of the currently selected instrument up or down
in semitone steps. A setting of “-12,” for example, shifts the pitch of the se-
lected instrument down by one octave; a setting of “+4” shifts the pitch up by
a major third. Please note that note shift cannot be applied to drum/percussion
voices (the Note Shift value is displayed as “---”).
The Note Shift parameter can be used to transpose a voice to its most
useful range, or to create harmony (intervals) between different voices in a
multi setup.
(Fine tuning)
Range: -63 … +63
Allows slight upward or downward pitch adjustment of the currently se-
lected instument. More than just simple tuning, the tune parameters make it
possible to create sound-thickening detune effects between voices. Each incre-
ment corresponds to approximately 1.17 cents (a “cent” is 1/100th of a semi-
tone). The maximum minus setting of “-63” produces a downward pitch shift of
almost three-quarters of a semitone, and the maximum plus setting of “+63”
produces an upward pitch shift of the same amount. A setting of “0” produces
no pitch change.
Please note that tuning cannot be applied to drum/percussion voices (the
Tune value is displayed as “---”).
(Individual output select)
Range: off, Ind1, Ind2, Ind3, Ind4
Sends the sound of the selected instrument to one of the TG500’s four
individual outputs (the multi sound is always delivered via the stereo outputs).
If the “off” setting is selected the current multi instrument sound is not sent to
any individual output.
If a drum voice is assigned to the current instrument this parameter can be
set to “off” or “drm”.
If the utility mode “1-3: OUTPUT” function (page 222) is set to “indiv,”
instruments assigned to individual outputs 1 through 4 are not delivered via the
stereo outputs. If set to “norm,” instruments assigned to individual output 3 and
4 are not output.
MULTI EDIT MODE / 1: P arameter