Raritan Engineering Command Center CC-SG User Manual

Page 267

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or simply box level?

switches, the tightness of integration will vary.

How would I mitigate the
restriction of four
simultaneous paths through
any IP-Reach box,
including the roadmap for
the potential 8-path box?

Currently, the best possible implementation is to aggregate IP-
Reach boxes with CC-SG. In the future, Raritan plans to
increase simultaneous access paths per box. These plans have
yet to complete development as other projects have taken
priority, but we welcome comments about the market demand
and use cases of an 8-path solution.

Will the current Paragon
boxes work with CC-SG?
If not, what is the upgrade

The CC-SG V2.0 will work with Paragon that has 3.0 HW and
firmware version 3.2 and above. If older versions exist, they
must be replaced.

Can authorization be
achieved via

LDAP and TACACS are used for remote authentication only,
not authorization.

User Experience
How will I know if
someone else is logged in
to leaf nodes?

CC-SG can present the list of users logged in to leaf devices and
can show which users are currently accessing an edge port
through the active users on a edge port features.

Does CC-SG have the
ability to look at multiple
screens for devices?

If there are many devices under CC-SG, the user can scroll
through the screens to view them all. A user is able to open
many screens, each one corresponding to one edge port, but the
user is restricted on the KVM side by the actual capacity of
KVM over IP channels to be able to access multiple KVM

Regarding console
management via network
port or local serial port (for
example, COM2): What
happens to the logging,
does CC-SG capture local
management or is this lost?

Logging on to CC-SG through the CC-SG console itself is the
same as gaining the root privilege of the operating system
(Linux) upon with CC-SG is running. Syslog will record such
event, but what the user types at the CC-SG console itself will
be lost.