Nortel Networks WEB OS 212777 User Manual

Page 187

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Web OS 10.0 Application Guide

Chapter 7: Filtering



212777-A, February 2002


Create a filter that will allow external HTTP requests to reach the Web server.

The filter must recognize and allow TCP traffic with the Web server’s destination IP address
and HTTP destination port:


Create a pair of filters to allow incoming and outgoing mail to and from the mail server.

Filter 2 allows incoming mail to reach the mail server, and Filter 3 allows outgoing mail to
reach the Internet:

>> Filter 224# ../filt 1

(Select the menu for filter 1)

>> Filter 1# sip any

(From any source IP address)

>> Filter 1# dip

(To Web server dest. IP address)

>> Filter 1# dmask

(Set mask for exact dest. address)

>> Filter 1# proto tcp

(For TCP protocol traffic)

>> Filter 1# sport any

(From any source port)

>> Filter 1# dport http

(To an HTTP destination port)

>> Filter 1# action allow

(Allow matching traffic to pass)

>> Filter 1# name allow matching traffic

(Provide a descriptive name for the


>> Filter 1# ena

(Enable the filter)

>> Filter 1# ../filt 2

(Select the menu for filter 2)

>> Filter 2# sip any

(From any source IP address)

>> Filter 2# dip

(To mail server dest. IP address)

>> Filter 2# dmask

(Set mask for exact dest. address)

>> Filter 2# proto tcp

(For TCP protocol traffic)

>> Filter 2# sport any

(From any source port)

>> Filter 2# dport smtp

(To a SMTP destination port)

>> Filter 2# action allow

(Allow matching traffic to pass)

>> Filter 2# ena

(Enable the filter)

>> Filter 2# ../filt 3

(Select the menu for filter 3)

>> Filter 3# sip

(From mail server source IP address)

>> Filter 3# smask

(Set mask for exact source address)

>> Filter 3# dip any

(To any destination IP address)

>> Filter 3# proto tcp

(For TCP protocol traffic)

>> Filter 3# sport smtp

(From a SMTP port)

>> Filter 3# dport any

(To any destination port)

>> Filter 3# action allow

(Allow matching traffic to pass)

>> Filter 3# ena

(Enable the filter)