Appendix b - operator trainin� check��ist – Pitney Bowes DM550 User Manual
Page 187

SV61436 Rev. B
The fo����owin� check��ist inc��udes the topics your
Pitney Bowes representative wi���� discuss with you
to ensure that you fu����y understand how to operate
your DM Series™ Di�ita�� Mai��in� System.
The check��ist is divided into the fo����owin� sections:
Learnin� About Your System ........................ B-2
Basic Operations .......................................... B-3
Advanced Operations* ................................. B-4
If You Need to Chan�e Your
System Setup ............................................... B-5
What You Need to Maintain Your System .... B-7
If You Have Prob��ems with Your System ...... B-8
*The Advanced Operations section contains topics
for a���� possib��e options you can purchase with
your system. Your representative wi���� cover on��y
those options that app��y to your specific system
For additiona�� trainin� options, contact your ��oca��
sa��es professiona��.
Appendix B - Operator
Trainin� Check��ist