Yaskawa MP900 Series Machine Controller Programming Panel for Simple Operation User Manual
Page 60

2.5 MP940 Setup Wizard
Up to six characters can be input for the name. The suffix to be added will be incre-
mented automatically (i.e., 01, 02, 03, and so on) if a name already exists.
The name of the Machine Controller will be by default set to MPxx, where xx is 01,02,03, etc.
4. Detail Button
Click this button to access detailed settings.
The following window will be displayed.
a) Folder name
Set the folder name of the Module to be set.
Up to eight characters can be input. If the name already exists, the name input will be
added to the same group.
The folder name will be used by the File Manager.
If the Setup Wizard is started by selecting Make New Folder (N) and then Controller
Folder (C) from the pop-up menu for an order folder in the File Manager, the folder
name will be set to the order folder name. Manual input of the folder name will not be
b) Controller Number (Number of Controllers)
Set the number of Machine Controllers in the Module to be set.
The number can be set to between 1 and 99.
c) Check Box to Create Basic Ladder Automatically
Check the box if it is necessary to generate a basic ladder program automatically. The
check box for multitasking (d) will be enabled.
d) Check Box for Multitask
Check the box to perform multitask control.
Multitask control will be possible only if the check box to create a basic ladder auto-
matically (c) is checked.