9 time charts – Yaskawa MP900 Series Machine Controller Programming Panel for Simple Operation User Manual

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Quick Reference

4.3.9 Time Charts



4. Data items will be displayed by default in the following formats respectively.

• Axis calculated position on machine: Long
• Axis command position on machine: Long
• Axis feedback position on machine: Long
• Axis position command pulse setting: Long
• Axis motion command code: Decimal
• Axis motion command response: Decimal
• Axis alarm flag: Hexadecimal
• Axis command busy: Binary
• Axis command completion: Binary
• Axis command error end status: Binary

5. The comment on each data item consists of a logical name, axis, and data name.

As defined, the logical axis names will be A, B, C, etc. Refer to the above table for the
data names.

4.3.9 Time Charts

The following Time Chart page will be displayed by default.

1. Time charts corresponding to the register numbers of H01 drawings (i.e., DB000000,

DB000001, DB000008, and DB000009) will be displayed.

The H01 drawing will not be generated and nothing will be displayed on the Time Chart
page if the check box to create a basic ladder program automatically in the Setup Wizard
2: Definition Window has not been checked.

2. The tab of the Time Chart page will be displayed by default as the last item on the far-

thest right.