Yaskawa MP900 Series Ladder Programming Manual User Manual

Page 94

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5.3 Numeric Operation Instructions

5.3.2 Add (ADD (+))




( 3 ) Programming Examples

In the following programming examples, input data A and input data B are added and the result is stored in the output

• Storing the Output Data in MW00000 When Input Data A Is 100 and Input Data B Is 200

100 + 200

→ MW00000 = 300

• Storing the Output Data in MW00000 When Input Data A Is 10.5 and Input Data B Is 10

10.5 + 10

→ MW00000 = 20 (when truncating below the decimal point is set)

• Storing the Output Data in ML00000 When Input Data A in MW00002 Is 20,000 and Input Data B in MW00003

Is 30,000
MW00002 (20,000) + MW00003 (30,000)

→ ML00000 = 32,767*

∗ In the example given above, an overflow error occurs because both input data A and B are integers, which lim-

its the result to a number within the range for integers.

( 4 ) Additional Information

With integer operations, an overflow operation error occurs if the result exceeds 32,767 and an underflow operation
error occurs if the result is less than -32,768.
With double-length integer operations, an overflow operation error occurs if the result exceeds 2,147,483,647 and an
underflow operation error occurs if the result is less than -2,147,483,648.

When performing operations with different data types, the result of the operation will depend on the data type of the output reg-
Refer to 4.4.2 ( 3 ) Precautions When Using Local Registers within a User Function for details.
Normally, addition and subtraction instructions (+, –, ++, and – –) involving double-length integers are performed as 32-bit
However, these instructions are performed as 64-bit operations if they are used to correct the remainder produced by an immedi-
ately preceding MUL instruction (

×) and are immediately followed by a DIV instruction (÷).


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