Wavetronix Click 500 (programmable controller) (CLK-500) - User Guide User Manual
Page 114
Figure 10.10 – General Tab
Sensor ID
The sensor ID number for the SmartSensor HD connected to the Click
Interval Horizon
Allows you to enter the number of intervals the Click 513 will use to
determine alert status.
Interval Threshold
(Qualified Intervals)
Sets the minimum number of qualified intervals needed (out of the
monitored intervals) to trigger an alert.
Example. If Interval Horizon = 3 and Interval Threshold = 2, then at
least two of the last three intervals must meet the criteria to trigger
an alert.
If Interval Horizon = 1 and Interval Threshold = 1, then an alert will be
triggered as long as the current interval meets the criteria.
Allows you to select the logic used to qualify an interval (AND re-
quires all enabled conditions to be true; OR requires only one enabled
condition to be true).
This is the number of seconds that the sensor stores Interval data.
This field is read only.
Poll Interval (ms)
Allows you to enter the number of milliseconds you want to the Click
513 to wait before it polls for Interval Data. The longer the interval
the bigger this number can be.
Table 10.5 – General Tab
The 513 > Approach (Approach 1 and Approach 2) tabs allow you to set the threshold
values for the interval data (see Figure 10.12 and Table 10.6.