Run mode (blue solid), Device setup mode (green solid) – Wavetronix Click 500 (programmable controller) (CLK-500) - User Guide User Manual

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CHAPTER 10 • CLICK 513 107

Run Mode (blue solid)

Run mode is the first mode presented in the mode selection process, but usually the second

one to be used. It will first be necessary (at least the first time the device is used) to use De-

vice Setup mode. When the device is in Device Setup mode, Click Supervisor can be used

to configure the device (see the Device Setup Mode section below). Once that is completed,

use the push-button to select Run mode (blue solid).

While in Run mode the Click 513 will poll the SmartSensor HD for data from the first and

second approaches, and if the configured conditions are met an output will be triggered.

When you are using a Click 112 or 114 contact closure device, each time the Click 513 trig-

gers an alert on either approach the corresponding digital output is closed. The top/front

RS-485 port of the Click 513 then sends a message to the attached Click 112 or 114 to close

the first or second contact.

For data verification purposes the event-data messages pushed by SmartSensor HD are

translated into readable text strings. This information is forwarded as ASCII text messages

over the RS-232 ports of the Click 513. The following illustrates an interval detection entry

in a terminal program:

Figure 10.5 – Interval Detection Entry

Device Setup Mode (green solid)

Device Setup mode is the second mode presented in the mode selection process. This mode

allows you to configure threshold variables and set up communications with the Click 112

or 114.

First put the device in Device Setup mode (solid green). Once in Device Setup modem, use

submenu 1(yellow LEDs) to select which connection you will use to connect Click Supervi-



First LED solid – This is the primary mode for connection and will be the option you

select most often. You can connect to Click Supervisor over the serial RS-232 port and

do necessary troubleshooting.


Second LED solid – The second mode is a backup mode if there are no other means to

connect to the device. You can connect to Click Supervisor over the RS-485 port. This

mode will not forward information correctly to the Click #104#; after the Click Super-

visor configuration, the device will need to be changed to submode 1.

The Click 513 is then configured using the Click Supervisor software. See Chapters 4 and 5