Nicecommands, Comment, Createfile – QuickLabel Designer Pro User Manual
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PC, where some functions can be used, because the appli-
cation that will eventually print these files knows how to
process them.
All counters
have to be incre-
mented by
As PC labeling software is not available at print time, the
printer must be capable of using internal counters. Make
sure you defined the counter variable on the label as the
printer internal hardware counter, not software counter.
Variable graph-
ics are not sup-
Because PC labeling software is not available at print-time,
it cannot handle the variable graphics. Any image on the
label has to be static.
Label Export is one method of label printing from outside of labeling application. It requires some
other application to be able to open exported label format, parse it and then print it. There are numer-
ous other possibilities to integrate label printing to existing systems. More information is available on
the product web site.
The printing with the software can be automatic. There are two ways for automation. The first one is
with the use of the command files (JOB file) which is used with Automatic print command from File
menu. The second way is with the help of any other Windows application, which enables DDE com-
munication between the programs.
In the both ways you can use the same commands. When you are using the automatic print, the com-
mands must be written one per line in the command file (JOB file). With the DDE communication
the commands are send through the DDE channel.
When developing program code or scripts it is very wise to well document your commands. This will
help you decode what the script really performs, when you will look at the code after some time.
Use semicolon (;) on the beginning of the line. Everything following it will be treated as script com-
ment and will not be processed by application.
This command will create a plain ASCII text file. The file will contain only one line of text.
The purpose of creating such file is to signal some external application that the label processing or
printing has began or has ended.
The example of the CREATEFILE usage is printing labels with the data from some text file. First
the external application prepares variable data for the labels and stores the data into the text file.
Then labeling software is activated and printing starts. A CREATEFILE command is used to create
a file on the disk. The appearance of the file represents a signal to the application that the current
printing process is finished.